Boys & Girls Club of Sequoyah County

Our Mission
To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring responsible citizens.


Help Your Community’s Youth and Accrue Tax Benefits
The CARES Act’s Charitable Giving Provisions
Universal Charitable Deduction
The CARES package includes a temporary universal charitable deduction. This deduction will allow all taxpayers to claim an above the line charitable deduction for cash donations up to $300 through December 31. Donations to donor advised funds and supporting organizations are not
eligible for this deduction.
Adjusted Gross Income Limitation
The law also lifts the cap on annual deductions for cash contributions for those who itemize, raising the cap from 60% to 100% of adjusted gross income. The cap for corporations has been
increased from 10% to 25%. For food donations, the corporate cap has been increased from
15% to 25%.
What this Means for You
Kids need your help now more than ever. For many, childhood has been suspended. The Club is a source of stability, consistency, and fun for kids and teens. We are providing meals, virtual homework help, mentorship, academic enrichment activities and the chance to have fun with friends and trusted mentors. Your gift helps us maintain and grow these programs. And with these new tax incentives, there has never been a better time to support the Club.

member of the month
Sallisaw Unit
Student Name:
Favorite activity:
Reason Chosen:
Liberty Campus Unit
Student Name:
Favorite activity:
Reason Chosen:
Brushy Unit
Student Name:
Favorite activity:
Reason Chosen:
Moffett Unit
Student Name:
Favorite activity:
Reason Chosen: